Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Workboxes and Blessing...

I am very blessed to be able to stay home with my little people.  I count it among the greatest of gifts my husband has given me. 

It is necessary for me to work part-time and, so, I simply do so from home.  I am a travel agent (between 12-3AM I like to say) with a lovely clientele and an even more amazing boss!  My clients love that I am available at crazy hours and I love that I don't have to show up (for the most part) at specific times to hold down a desk.  I have been trying to morph my schedule into one which is more humane.  You know, one that allows for more than 4 hours of sleep a night. 

One goal was to find a way to actually accomplish some work WHILE my girls school.  My eldest daughter is NOT a self-starter and has, in the past, taken any and every opportunity to disappear outside with the dogs when I take a call.  There was always something she didn't understand approximately 2 nanoseconds after I answered the phone.  We tried workboxes last year to help motivate her by making the end a tangible goal.  This worked okay...better than anything else we have tried.  Until the Laptop...

Ohhhh the Laptop.  You see using a computer in our house, especially the Laptop, is quite a privilege.  Not a privilege any 9 year old in their right mind would want to lose.  Ohhhh the laptop.  I'm thinking of naming it.  I am truly that fond of it at this point.  Blessing is a good name!?!  You see Willow will get on Blessing of her own accord and DO HER OWN WORK!  Yeppers...on her own!  The workboxes are on the curb...Blessing has taken up residence on Willow's desk and I DON'T EVEN CARE that she has hijacked my laptop!  My brilliant friend, Marcy Crabtree, over at Ben & Me gave me the idea of doing an assignment blog.  So, now, Willow signs into her own private blog and has a list of what she is to accomplish on any given day!  It's really that easy (at least right now!)

And Lucca...oh sweet Lucca...how she LOVES her workboxes.  She BEGS for her boxes...gets so excited every morning to see what there is to do.  Very much an independent, Lucca will happily work on her boxes until she needs help or she reaches a "Work with Mommy" box!  Here's Lucca showing off her counting to 100 skills...

100 Monkey Erasures lined up by 10's...love the Dollar Tree!

And so, I actually booked several clients last week DURING daylight hours which is indeed a miracle from God! 


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