Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From the moment she was born...

everyone noticed her eyebrows. It hadn't hit me, until then, that most babies have very light or no eyebrows. Not my Willow. She came into the world brows a furled!

Beautiful.  The most perfect gift from God.  Given at the perfect time, the perfect place and the perfect way.  God named Willow before she was even a twinkle in anyone's eye. He told me she would come to me in Africa...I never dreamt she would be my own biological child. She is named after a verse in Isaiah that says, " I will bless your descendants, like willows by the watercourse.  For they are a generation of great hope."  Willow Hope, almost 10, still facing the world with brow a furled!  Thank you, Lord, for this precious child.

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